Stears Elections
Stears Elections

Edo State

Edo State

Explore prior Governorship election results

2023 Governorship results - Edo state


The winning candidate must secure the majority of the vote and at least 25% of the vote in two thirds of the LGAs.

The winning candidate must secure the majority of the vote and at least 25% of the vote in two thirds of the LGAs.


These results are sourced from INEC's state collation centres and media reporting.

These results are sourced from INEC's state collation centres and media reporting.


Declared results have been announced by INEC at a state collation centre. Provisional results reflect collation only at the Local Government Area level.

Declared results have been announced by INEC at a state collation centre. Provisional results reflect collation only at the Local Government Area level.

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